Using google calendar on macbook air skin#
On some cases, you can do more than one theme or skin simultaneously.
You’ll see a list of available themes for Google Calendar.Left-click on the “Stylish extension icon” found in the top-right section of your address bar, which may appear unpinned in the Google Extension Icon.Go to Stylish and c lick on the blue “Add to Chrome.Stylish does have an extension for Mozilla Firefox as well. Stylish is a fantastic Google Chrome extension that lets you apply a large variety of styles to any website, not only Google Calendar. Over time, you’ll get accustomed to your color representation scheme and know which day of the week you’re adding an event to, such as Sundays and Wednesdays. Visit your Google Calendar page again (or refresh it) and you’ll notice the new look you’ve created.Once you’re done changing the color settings, just scroll to the bottom and select “Save.You can even import a calendar if you already have one. Holiday : Choose the holiday and change up the colors and fonts until your heart’s content.
You can use one of the predefined colors from the palette or customize your own. Day of the week : Change up the font and background colors for every day of the week.You’re presented with two tabs on the left side menu:.Once installed, right-click the extension icon found to the right of your address bar, then choose “ Options.
Using google calendar on macbook air install#
Head to G-calize and click on the blue “Add to Chrome ” button to install it.G-calize makes the distinction between each day of the week much easier on the eyes. This approach to customizing your Google Calendar background provides a colorful way to replace the white default setting. An extension like this is designed for those who want to avoid distracting images but would still like to add a splash of color. The extension doesn’t allow you to customize your Google Calendar background image but instead enables you to change the background color and font for individual days of the week. G-calize is a bit more unique with its offered features. To make it easier on the eyes, stick to images that contain a singular color palette, such as nature scenes. It is best to choose not-so noisy images when it comes to visual perception, as this makes the calendar challenging to see. Now, when you log into your Google Calendar account, you’ll see the image background behind your calendar.When you are done adding your image(s), click on the “Save” button in the bottom-right section of the screen.You’ll need to type in (or copy and paste) the URL for your image.Add your chosen image to the appropriate input box.Monthly Image – This option allows you to set up a different image for each month of the year.The image will not change until you change it directly. Single Image – This is one static image that you can set as your background image.Click on your preferred display option:.Once installed, click on the icon at the upper right of Google Chrome and then select “Options.Go to Custom Calendar Backgrounds and click the “ Add to Chrome “ button in the top-right corner of the page to install it.